When did Value Village get so Greedy?






Dear Value Village,

When did you become so greedy? After my recent browse of your store, I’ve decided that you have lost your mind and some customers too. I can’t shop at your store any more since your prices are so ridiculous that they are sucking all the joy out of my formerly fun thrifting adventures! There I said it!

Since when have all your  formerly reasonably priced items become so expensive?  Why? I’ve noticed a price creep taking place for years, but today it really pushed my buttons and I was inspired to write this post. Greedy. Greedy Greedy.

I was in fact so enraged during my trip that I felt compelled to share my dissatisfaction with your poor unsuspecting cashier. (nicely of course) This Bargain Hunting Momma was all fired up!

So why are being so greedy?  We all know that almost every single item in your stores is donated by kind-hearted individuals so your profit is practically 100%.

I fear that management has totally lost sight of the whole idea of “thrift shopping” and the idea of scoring a hot bargain. You have totally taken the fun out of that for sure.  Your high prices are actually insulting to me and I’m sure many others.

  • Do you seriously think that we are going to pay $18.99 for a used pair shoes? The racks are full of them at this price point.. boo!
  • Why would I pay $14.99 for a second hand Wal Mart brand boots that I can probably buy brand new on sale for around the same price?
  • Is anyone actually stupid enough to pay the $14.99 you ask for a Disney VHS tape (yes you read VHS)!
  • Used tops for $8.99 & up and dresses at $12 to $14.99 – too much!
  • Kids T-shirts and tops at $5.99 is really  pushing it. I remember when they were more like $2 and $3.99.

Yes – I realize they some of the items are really good name brands and yes they are ‘nearly new’ but enough is enough. You got them for free so why can’t you ‘pay it forward’ a bit and pass on a great deal to your customers instead of being so focused on stuffing your pockets with money. Flat out — please stop being so greedy.

Sadly, I just can’t enjoy myself in your store anymore and will choose to shop at other stores who don’t feel the need to rip me off with jacked up prices.


A Former Customer Finding Better Deals Elsewhere


What do you think? Where do you thrift shop for great priced merchandise?

22 responses »

    • Thanks Catherine. I am starting to think that way too.. buying good quality, classic new items that last may just be the way to go. for adults at least. Kids grow so fast it is harder to do this.

  1. I noticed this at Once upon a Child recently too. You can get new clothes on the sale rack at stores for the same price as the used stuff at Once Upon a Child. I did find a couple of cute things but like you said, why would I pay $5.99 for a second hand Walmart top when that is all they cost new?

    • Thanks Fiona. I guess it is happening all over… I do find some stuff at OUAC sometimes but agree that those prices just keep creeping higher and higher.. Better to scour the sale racks for sure!

  2. I have noticed this also.
    Why would I buy 2nd hand when I can grab NEW sale items for a fraction of the price?
    For instance – Bonnie Togs for kids clothes – on sale, shirts can be $3 – I’m not interested in paying $6 for a second hand shirt for my kid. It’s crazy.
    The only 2nd hand store I’ll frequent is The Children’s Marketplace.

    • Thanks for your comment. I am really going to have to start checking out the Bonnie Togs sales as everyone seems to be getting some great deals there.. I honestly don’t go often but will be adding it to my list of places to go. I have only been to The Children’s Marketplace a long time ago.. will have to pop by there too.

      • 🙂 Happy shopping!!! I love the sales at BT more than Children’s place, old navy etc. I think their clothes are a better quality.

  3. I agree 100% well put! Stopped shopping there a few years back for the same reason. Pretty sad when some of the prices at Value Village cost more than new at Walmart.

    • Thanks for you comment Steph. I really is a sad state affairs when they are trying to charge us more for used than new and the worst part is, some people must be paying it or they wouldn’t be doing it. Well certainly won’t be any more!

  4. I have always felt this way about value village. I mostly hate it around Halloween when they claim to have inexpensive Halloween costumes…but no, if you don’t want to be an overpriced “bum” you pay full price for a new costume or way too much for a used one! I found that very annoying!!

  5. i have seen dollar store items at value village ,with the dollar store sticker still on and then a value village sticker for 1.99

    • Thanks Darlene..wow that is really low! .. I think I have seen that once or twice too and it made my blood boil too. I can’t stand being treated like a dumb consumer and that is how they make me feel anymore.

  6. The only time I visit “La Village” anymore is on 50% off day.. I work in the medical field, so yes, paying $7-$10 for a scrub top or pants is a good savings.. but that’s it!

    The worst thing of their price increases is the chain effect it has had on other thrift stores in the area. GoodWill has increased their prices also. We used to be able to buy children’s tops/bottoms for $1, they now vary from $3-$5 per piece!

    • Thanks Sharon & good point & at least you get a deal on the scrubs still. I hadn’t thought of the negative impact that VV has had on all the other thrift stores too.. it is really a sad for all us shoppers overall.

  7. I remember going to VV a year ago to look at baby clothes as I was expecting a newborn on an EI income. I was suprised at some of the prices. They were selling baby clothes for $5-8 dollars. I can go to walmart and buy them new for the same price. In fact I was at walmart yesterday and they are selling shirts for $4 (not on sale). I get that some of their clothes are from gap and whatnot but lets be honest, I don’t go to a thrift store to buy brand name clothes. I go there because its cheap and its what I can afford.

  8. Value village. Salvation army. Local non-chain stores. They’ve all gone crazy.

    For one thing, an average price of $50 for used leather boots that only a few years ago would’ve cost $5, and which is $10 more than a NEW pair at walmart, isn’t what sane people call thrifty.

    I would rather walk barefoot than be robbed like that.

  9. Went to Walmart a week before halloween costums were on sale 40% off. The same customs were more expensive … Lots more at value village. Adult spider man 60. Vv and 40 at Walmart. So much for value. PeoPle need to wake up and realize new is cheaper now.

  10. I agree they are way to Greedy, I’ll only go when the 50% off sale is on..I can’t believe the prices..
    way over priced..I think we should all start a petition..

  11. inflation is ramped and showing in all kinds of ways except the ways it should be….the simple fact is a dollar isn’t worth a dollar anymore….actually I am surprised a dollar is worth anything at the rate governments are creating them from thin air.

  12. I have started a Facebook group and petition..who is this poster..What became of this. Are you still interested in petitioning Are willing to help along side me and my other administratior the group is petition for vAlue village to lower prices or contact me at shanesmith1983@hotmail.com

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